Sidewinder has now been closed for the Fortis construction. Fortis says “Trail access along the west side of our compressor station is already closed as crews prepare for tree clearing and rock blasting taking place throughout March.” So they obviously do not want anyone in there while that is taking place. They have pledged to open the trails as soon as possible but have yet to provide any solid timeline to when that will be (2 months? 2 years?). Parking will also be restricted at the parking area as early as May 1 (possibly also for the remainder of the project until 2026). There is going to be alternate parking at Eagle Mountain Park with flaggers directing people down to the Hydro ROW to get to the trails that way. Whether or not that will be a viable access for us is TBD, we are working on it. But for the meantime please do not expect to be able to access the trails via sidewinder and expect there to be no parking soon either! Obviously, don’t try and bust your way in there while there is active blasting/falling going on. There is no access to sidewinder or anywhere near the compressor station / any of the trails or roads that link directly to it.